
Today’s Discussion: Change One Thing At A Time

Change One Thing At A Time

When you begin to focus on too many things at once, failure is an option. When it comes to awareness of faults and dysfunctions we need to tend to them one at a time. You can not expect to change overnight and come up with all of the answers in one sitting. You can only change one thing at a time.

With that being said never give up and play the game of life on your own terms. Start with focusing on what needs to change. Then narrow it down to what needs to change, the most. In due time you will see improvements in one single area as though it is starting to improve. Improvement is something that is worked towards throughout a life time. Not a single day.

Change One Thing At A Time

Question Of The Day

What can you focus on today, that you will be able to work on? What is one single thing that if you apply yourself to it can be made into a process of improvement?

Improvement is something that takes a long time to gain and keep. We all know that we have to take it one day at a time. Just don’t forget that a friendly reminder of your goals and improvements must be revisited from time to time. There is never an ending to self-improvement and success.

Each story line that we write in our book of life is one that takes dedicated attendance. Focus your time on one thing. Improve on one thing. When you’ve meet a satisfactory goal, move on to the next one. Do not confuse yourself by doing too much at once.


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Written By: Will

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