The voice that gives advice to the world around seeming as almost to be an expert at lecturing what is right and wrong. The teacher that professes the exact formula as if it were second nature and never to be forgotten. The learning student excited to teach what has been freshly learned. Sounding as if the expert is fluent in a language that is so foreign and full of knowledge and wisdom because it was a skill taught. One know's it is easy to teach something but how hard is it to stick to what you teach and use it? When giving advice you must actually listen to your own advice, the guru said while meditating for the day.

Today’s Story

“The voice that gives advice to the world around seeming as almost to be an expert at lecturing what is right and wrong. The teacher that professes the exact formula as if it were second nature and never to be forgotten. The learning student excited to teach what has been freshly learned. Sounding as if the expert is fluent in a language that is so foreign and full of knowledge and wisdom because it was a skill taught. One know’s it is easy to teach something but how hard is it to stick to what you teach and use it? When giving advice you must actually listen to your own advice, the guru said while meditating for the day.

Stuck in the mind is the voice that speaks to self, while reflecting on the day’s trials and tribulations. Uncertain if the choices made were the right decision so that one can learn and muster up the values to continue on adding to the pot. Unable to decipher if each step taken forward were in fact the right ones because there is such a discrepancy in today’s world. Speaking out loud is much easier than reflecting within oneself to learn a lesson that can be taught in one sitting.

Listen To Your Own Advice

Listen To Your Own Advice

Growing up I used to listen to the adults in my life and simply laugh at the thoughts they shared. You know how it goes right? Young, indestructible and we know it all but the fun part starts when we realize, we know nothing at all. Trying our best to act is if we know everything and how it should go only to be proven by nature we were ultimately wrong.

Funny story but my Grandfather used to always tell me,”Will, you seem like you know a whole lot but look at where you are… You should try taking your own advice?” How ignorant I was when I thought, “Pfft, I am taking my own advice and I’m living it that’s for sure.” Good at talking to others and helping them so that I can see other people prosper and become better, I’m doing right, right? Self-reflection taught me something even just recently, who am I if I do not practice the advice I preach.

When we have something to offer the world, that is great! But, when we offer something to the world and are unable to live up to it, where does that leave us?

Be the person that you set out to be, the advice you give is the life you want to live.

Question For The Day

Are you able to take the advice that you give to others? Do you live by the purpose to serve as in, can you live the life that you try to help others achieve?

So many times I catch myself trying to be there for others but realize that I don’t quite understand where they are in life, when I’m doing my best to do so. Although my intentions are good I feel when I do that I tend to mislead others into feeling as if I actually understand their problems through and through. If I give advice to someone without first fully understanding their direction am I doing them justice or am I simply destroying their future.

If you give advice to others, then you must listen to your own advice. Isn’t that the purpose so that you can essentially reflect on the advice you are giving? Then you can actually apply it to you own life.

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Written By: Will



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  • The point I feel is not to give advice as you would for yourself but to be objective and give advice suited to the receiver, it may be unsuitable for ourselves. Other times giving advice to others may in fact be advice we need for ourselves too.

    • Thank you Tamara!

      I consider myself a decent advice giver, but at times when I offer the advice I have a hard time accepting it myself. It’s a tough scenario!! If I were able to reflect as hard on my own life as I can to others, I’d have made half the mistakes.

      Have an awesome week!

  • Hi Will, I think you get better at taking your advice as you get older. At least that’s what I’ve found. Thought provoking post.

    • What’s up Elizabeth!

      I’m trying my best to hop on that boat as well, I’m the worst when it comes to taking my own advice. The more I reflect and pay attention though I realize, it would be in my best interest.

      Have a great week!

  • You know Will this is so on point in more ways than you can image. As ministers we are always preaching and teaching outhers. And those biblical lessons that we teach leave us in a place of accountablility that we are supposed to live up to. But I’ve posed the question myself: “When have we as pastors stop taking our own advice?”You cannot walk around accountability. Whether objective or not because it should pose at least two questions in your mind: Are you being true to yourself? Most importantly, are you being true to God?

    • Hey Claudia!

      I had no idea that you were a pastor!! That’s amazing and god bless. I stand with you on being accountable. I even look at it that way with the advice I’m offering through my blog and personal outlet. When I offer to give a different view to others I am literally taking the accountability to change someones mind on how they’re approaching life, which is HUGE! At times I will struggle to even say certain things due to uncertainty.

      Have an awesome week!

      • Will I’m not much into titles and stuff. I’m just plan old Claudia. I just want to say to you to keep on keeping on. The work you are doing here is more important than you know. And because it is from the heart with a vision—God will always lead you in the right directions. We all struggle at times on what to say but remember this scripture “…don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time.” Matthew 10:19b (NLT) Be and stay blessed. Have a great week! Looking forward to your words of wisdom!

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